Saturday, February 7, 2009

Blog Marketing - Monetizing Your Blog Immediately

Blog marketing involves different advertising and sales techniques which target the visitors to your site. Considering that blogs have gained their popularity for their fresh and intriguing content it stands to target that any sales pressure may coerce readers away. The ability to interact with and respond to the readers wishes helps to create and maintain a bond between the site owner and the readers themselves. A certain trust and respect tends to exist in this relationship which is exactly why a blog is an ideal marketing platform. The readers are more receptive to any marketing efforts due to this unique online relationship. The investigation here at the moment is when may be the best day to introduce any form of monetization to your blog? Shouldn't you first develop and kindle the relationship with readers which will constitute future marketing efforts all the more effective? Introducing any marketing tactics later on would create the transition easier for readers
to adjust to and accept. What if you were to create a blog with the intentions of making money immediately from the first day? Wouldn't this marketing strategy offend and repel visitors who landed on your site expecting only useful content without sales pitches? Well the feeling here is if your goal is to generate money blogging it is probably best to establish up your blog to accomplish this from the very first day. Here are 4 reasons it is to your advantage to monetize your blog from day one: APPEARANCE Every modern blog faces the same dilemma when it first launches. Without many advertise or comments the blog appears desolate due to all the empty space. By monetizing from the first day you'll have varying ads (not very many of course) and perhaps sponsors to give your blog a more 'complete' appearance. TEST MARKETING Although you should already have planned gone your marketing strategy before launch you will also allow yourself more opportunity to s
ee what works. With tiny readership in the initial stages you don't have to be concerned with making errors that may have a detrimental effecting larger numbers. Any negative impact from errors will be minimized. READERS KNOW WHAT TO EXPECT Concerns of introducing any future marketing strategy and the effect it may have on readers no longer exist. Visitors will become familiar with any marketing efforts from day one. The key here is to be absolutely definite you supply them with skilled quality content. Your efforts here entail to be consistent since you'll be 'competing' with your own on-site monetization efforts which may tend to distract readers. MAKING MONEY QUICKER With your monetization strategy already in place so is your ability to immediately assemble money from your blog. With the proper attention towards maintaining and improving your site you will be making money faster by monetizing your blog from the first day. Blog marketing is a give and a
ccept relationship. Your ability to supply acceptable content consistently is what maintains your reader's loyalty. By exposing them to various sales efforts you can benefit from the trust they've developed for you. By properly balancing your approach you'll be able to earn an online income while meeting the needs of your readers. Full text:

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