Friday, November 7, 2008

Education vs Commercial Machine Training

When he first came to power, Tony Blair proudly announced his party's mantra was Education, Education, Education. A worthy enough focus and certainly not an area one would immediately link to frustration and personal debt. On the other hand over the years, as more institutions have gained university status, and student loans have become available to all, schools have encouraged greater numbers of young community to go for degrees without really spelling elsewhere the cost. It's not in examination that we want a more educated society, on the contrary are young mankind really getting the best advice? Let's face it; it's not a dense sell to encourage an eighteen year out of date to leave habitat and live with mates, not worry about getting a job for three or four years and get cheap beer at the student union bar. A facile interpretation perhaps - of succession there's a tad of studying to be done, and a careful balance to assemble ends meet,
then the rewards will be worth it in the end. Or will they? For many families, the reward of university education can go on for many years after graduation, both socially and financially. Student Loans (the best method of borrowing for university undergraduates), tuition fees, accommodation and day to day living expenses over three or four years can establish you back well over 30, 000 - and still no guarantee of a job. It's ironic that freedom-seeking teenagers absent to conquer the globe besides often become back-at-home twenty-somethings who haven't all the more conquered their first job. Not only do parents find themselves still stumping up the cash, however frustrated adult children in the house again can significantly cramp their style! A university education can be a great baggage for young people, and is the only route for many of our professions. Nevertheless schools and parents entail to be aware that in some disciplines, there are other, often
higher quality alternatives. In the sphere of News Technology, employers are crying away for commercially qualified IT professionals. University graduates often end up having to top up their skills to be industry ready and compete in the job market with MCSE professionals. The sad act is they could have saved themselves three years and a four figure debt had they gone straight to a commercial pc training provider. Maybe the beer in the student union bar isn't quite so cheap after all - certainly the bank of mum and dad would be a collection less depleted, and there'd probably be more room on the sofa. Full text:

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